SPHE Policy - StBodensNS

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SPHE Policy

School Policies
Whole School Policy (Draft)
Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.)
School Name:  Scoil  Naomh Buadáin
Date:  30th  April 2019
This plan was formulated by the staff during  croke park hoursunder the guidance of an SPHE Cuiditheoir – Aimee Keaveny, on  April 10th 2019. All staff were involved in the development of the  plan.
SPHE in our school will enable each child to:  -
·          Develop  a positive sense of self-esteem, enhance social and communication skills and  equip him/her with the knowledge and ability to lead a healthy life.
  1. AIMS:
The aims of Social, Personal and Health  Education are:
• to promote the personal development and  well-being of the child
• to foster in the child a sense of care and  respect for himself/herself and others and an appreciation of the dignity of  every human being
• to promote the health of the child and  provide a foundation for healthy living in all its aspects
• to enable the child to make informed  decisions and choices about the social, personal and health dimensions of  life both now and in the future
• to develop in the child a sense of social  responsibility, a commitment to active and participative citizenship and an  appreciation of the democratic way of life
• to enable the child to respect human and  cultural diversity and to appreciate and understand the interdependent nature  of the world.
(See page 9 of the Curriculum Statement)

When due account is taken of intrinsic  abilities and varying circumstances, the SPHE curriculum should enable the  child to:
• be self-confident and have a positive sense  of self-esteem
• develop a sense of personal responsibility  and come to understand his/her sexuality and the processes of growth,  development and reproduction
• develop and enhance the social skills of  communication, co-operation and conflict resolution
• create and maintain supportive  relationships both now and in the future
• develop an understanding of healthy living,  an ability to implement healthy behaviour and a willingness to participate in  activities that promote and sustain health
• develop a sense of safety and an ability to  protect himself/herself from danger and abuse
• make decisions, solve problems and take  appropriate actions in various personal, social and health contexts
• become aware of, and discerning about, the  various influences on choices and decisions
• begin to identify, review and evaluate the  values and attitudes that are held by individuals and society and to  recognise that these affect thoughts and actions
• respect the environment and develop a sense  of responsibility for its long-term care
• develop some of the skills and abilities  necessary for participating fully in groups and in society
• become aware of some of the individual and  community rights and responsibilities that come from living in a democracy
• begin to understand the concepts of  personal, local, national, European and global identity
• appreciate and respect the diversity that  exists in society and the positive contributions of various cultural,  religious and social groups
• promote the values of a just and caring  society in an age-appropriate manner and understand the importance of seeking  truth and peace.
(See page 10 of the Curriculum Statement)
Since SPHE is spiral in nature we will cover the following content  at each level throughout the school over a two-year period (this is on  display in our staffroom).

Strand Units (Year 1)
Strand Units (Year 2)
Self Identity (Sept/Oct)
Taking care of my body (Jan/Feb)
Growing & Changing (Mar/Apr)
Safety & Protection (May/Jun)
Making Decisions & Sensitive Issues (Jan/Feb)
Myself and others
Myself & my family (Nov/Dec)
My friends and other people (Sept./Oct.)
Relating to  others (Mar./April)

Myself and the wider  world
Developing Citizenship(May/Jun)
Media Education (Nov./Dec.)
We will teach  SPHE in a combination of the following contexts:
A positive school climate and atmosphere and adopt strategies such as:
1. Building  effective communication within the school
  • E-mail/phones in classrooms/Aladdin       System
  • Notice Boards – Staff Room
  • Important information sent       around to staff in a folder (messages protected)
  • Children are involved in       in-class decisions
  • Children report bullying to       class teacher/yard duty teacher
Parents:  Regular Newsletter
§  Notes i.e. homework journal
§  Parent/Teacher Meetings – By appointment meetings also.
§  Coffee/Tea sessions after religious/sacramental events/school  events.
§  Parent’s Association in the school.
§  Parent’s Association organise talks for parents/coursed etc.  fundraising/book fair.
§  Visitors are greeted upon arrival/offered tea/coffee
§  Facilities/room provided for  visitors.
§  Invited to staff room for breaks.
2.  Catering for individual  needs
§  Individual reward system in every class e.g. student of the week.
§  Announcements made.
§  School band/choir/sports teams/quizzes/school concert.
§  Timetabling is very fair for withdrawal.
§  We use a variety of teaching styles & activities – Activity  based learning.
§  General positive school climate with regard to reinforcing  positive behaviour.
§  Rainbows Programme.
§  Resource teachers.
§  Learning support teachers.
§  In-class support for maths.
§  Access to Counsellor (school based)
§  Social skills training.
  1. Creating a       health-promoting physical environment
§  Beautifully decorated & well maintained school.
§  School cafeteria.
§  Playground markings for yard time activities.
§  Children’s work on display throughout school.
§  Butterfly garden.
§  Litter management by senior pupils.
§  Recycling in classrooms.
§  Newsletter/Intercom mentions achievements.
§  Active Parent’s Council re. decision – surveyed for opinions.
4.  Developing democratic  processes
§  Pupils involved in drawing up class rules.
§  Code of Behaviour is widely publicised e.g. website, each  beginning of year parents association meeting
§  Children bring home own rubbish/litter wardens.
§  Reading buddies/recycling campaign/butterfly garden.
§  Job allocations in classrooms.
§  Involvement in school activities i) on own time ii) with materials
§  Children have activities each evening and take responsibility re.  same.
§  Children represent the school in a wide variety of activities e.g.  sports, music, art, write a book.
§  Fortnightly assembly.
5.  Enhancing the self-esteem  and well-being of members of the school community.
§  Reward systems in place classes/displaying children’s work.
§  Openness to change/photographs on display of winners/successes/a  special visit/play in our school yard.
§  New pupils – appointed ‘buddies’ to look after them.
§  Folder for new staff members on policy & procedures/social  night.
§  Involvement in committees.
§  Library promotes reading/swimming/computer lab – participation in  outside competitions.
§  By organising/attending/training courses.
§  Availing of DES support.
§  Regular appraisal of staff efforts.
§  Inclusion in newsletter.
  1. Fostering respect       for diversity
§  Anti-bullying policy exists and is practised by all staff members.
Communicating school policies and practices to all parents and  children.
·          All children are included in  teams, choirs, concerts, photo opportunities etc.
·          Resources are in place to  cater for needs of minorities e.g. RTT, SNAs, non-national Resource teacher.
·          Integration of different  social groups through organised games, activities, cooking etc.
·          Teachers voluntarily run  “Rainbow” groups to cater for children in need.
·          Social skills groups in  action to help children who display anti-social behaviour or lack of personal  discipline.
  1. Fostering       inclusive and respectful language
§  Refer to children by Christian name.
§  Praise, encourage and affirm.
§  Zero tolerance of racist/ offensive language.
§  Awareness.
§  Promote minority cultures in a positive light.
§  *Being conscious of different family structures and units, respect  them and refer to them in whole class situations.
* To be put in place September 2019
  1. Developing       appropriate communication between home and school
§  Regular newsletters, notice boards, posters etc.
§  PT meetings. Notes in homework journals
§  Parents council
§  Collaboration for St. Boden’s NS. children for assessment /  support files etc.
§  Policy statement re homework journal – internet site
§  * Suggestion box for parents, teachers, class to communicate their  issues.
* To be put in place September 2019
     9. Developing a school approach to  assessment
§  Teacher and SNA observations (ongoing)
§  Discussion with children formally/informally
§  Open forum in Circle time and Social Skills group  
§  Teacher designated Tasks and Tests
§  Portfolios
§  Communication with parents via support files and meetings
Issues discussed
·           Integration of the Traveller Community
·          Buddy system for Asperger /  Autistic spectrum in yard.
·          Our World Week
·          International day
·          Games from other countries  incorporated into sports day.
Discrete time
Time-tabled ½  hour per week or one hour per fortnight.
§  R.E.
§  S.E.S.E.
Quiet Time
We will try to  incorporate Quiet Time in to our classrooms’ climate and atmosphere where we  give the children 15 minutes every fortnight to reflect, think and enjoy  quietness in our classrooms.
The following policies related to SPHE issues have been drawn up  in consultation with parents and the Board of Management
  • Anti – Bullying       in the context of our Behaviour/Discipline policy
  • Admissions
  • R.S.E. Policy
  • *Substance Use       Policy
  • Health and Safety       Statement
* In progress.
We are also adopting the National Guidelines for the Protection  and Welfare of Children and the Department of Education and Science Child  Protection Guidelines and Procedures. (D.L.P. =  Ezarah Doherty)
We will adopt the following approaches and methodologies:  
  • Active learning which includes       drama activities, co-operative games, use of pictures, photographs and       visual images, written activities, discussion, use of media and       information technologies and looking at children’s work.
  • Talk and discussion
  • Skills through Content
  • Collaborative learning
  • Problem-solving
§  Use of the Environment
  • “Walk tall – Quality Circle Time”;       J. Mosley
  • Be safe.
  • Primary Education       – Visiting Speakers.
  • SPHE Curriculum Books – Videos.
  • Stay safe.
  • Bi Follain.
  • RSE
  • Involved in Church singing.
  • Carol singing for Christmas.
  • Involved in Community Games/C.       na mBunscoil.
  • Involved in Environmental       Awards.
  • Visits form local       Historian/Garda/Health Worker.
  • Health Board – Provide Health       checks/ Would like Health Board to give talks to parents/children around       SPHE issues.
Some/all of the teaching staff has attended:
  • training in the       Stay Safe Guidelines
  • training in the       Relationships and Sexuality programme (R.S.E.)
  • training with the       Walk Tall Programme
  • training in the       Children First Guidelines [DES Guidelines and Procedures]
  • Wide Variety of family       backgrounds.
  • SCN/learn support children will       be included/involved in class lessons.
  • 5th & 6th       Class: Teachers working with pupils and vice versa on sensitive sexual       issues.
  • English not 1st       language – Through using a variety of teaching methodologies – visually,       auditory, kinaesthetically etc.
  • Urban       backgrounds.
Self-assessment for Teachers
§  Have I covered the agreed strand units?
§  What do we need to change?
Pupil  assessment: P. 70-77
§  Teacher observation.
§  Teacher designed tasks and tests.
§  Projects and Portfolios.
§  Self-Assessment.
DES/outside  assessment
§  Informal family and community feedback. (See RSE note to parents)
  • B.O.M. → ratify       plan & support implementation.
  • Parents → be       aware of content of school plan & support SPHE through involvement       in homework e.g.
  • Principal →       oversees implementation and supports staff.
  • Teachers → follow       school plan and implement SPHE accordingly.
  • Pupils →       Co-operate and participate in class lesson.
  • Other staff → be       aware of contents of this plan and follow procedures re. same.
  • April 2019.
  • Staff will review       this plan under the guidance of Ms. Ezarah Doherty.
This school plan was formulated by the principal and staff and  approved by the Board of Management of                              School on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________  2019.
Chairperson of Board of Management:  _____________________________________
This plan will be reviewed every two years.
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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